Jumat, 19 Desember 2014

cause effect essay

Value of college education
Someone can tells a person has a college education or not. There is a big differences between someone who has college education experience with someone who does not have it. The difference can be seen when we spend some time and talk with them. A college education can affect a person in many ways and this essay will discuss how getting a college education changes a person.
A college education can make people  become stronger and more confident because they get more knowledge than others. A college education also can provide someone to communicates with many different kinds of person in many different kinds of setting. A college education  helps people choose their careers more wisely and the college experience makes people become more confident and can make better and well judged decisions.
A college education is a very valuable thing.Everyone should get one so that we can all be enlightened and help make our society become a better place. A college is a place where people come together in an environment that helps nurture their educational and professional curiosities. People learn to read, reflect, explore, listen, argue, and especially, stretch their known boundaries.
A college education helps people to prepare themselves before entering the real world of economics and social bindings. College teaches people to dream of, to reach their highest aspirations, to choose well, and to choose wisely. A college is where people go so that their mental capabilities can be thoroughly challenged, where they can grow and mature as individuals and as future carriers of the society.
It has also been noted that people who have a college education tend to be more satisfied as individuals. They are more at ease within themselves and enjoy more prosperity than others enjoy. They find great satisfaction in the knowledge that they have achieved their education in life and they tend to take great pride in that. Other than this, another biggest advantage of having a bachelor's degree is that one can build up on it. A person can pursue his or her master's or doctorate degree only after he or she has completed her bachelor's. Thus, it is vital for further study to have at least a bachelor's degree.
People meet many different kinds of people at college and this helps prepare them for the life in the field where one has to interact with all sorts of people who are working. Studying with students from all different kinds of economic, ethnic and social backgrounds also help the person attending college into learning more about the world and this brings the people of the world closer as well. This interaction is another valuable aspect of a college education and it helps shape a person's personality in a way that is unmatched by any other kind of an institution.

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